Aaron Sanders PLLC turns one today. Our young firm has come so far since June 20, 2011 – past walking and crawling, into driving and flying and taking the MegaBus, and trying cases and closing deals and settling matters and generally helping our clients sleep better at night. Thank you so so much to the clients who had faith in mine and Rick’s ability to deliver the same quality of law practice that we had in our other firms, and chose to come with us and support this venture from Day One. It would have been a whole lot scarier in those first few months than it already was if it wasn’t for them. As we grew a bit out of startup/survival mode, we still appreciate those clients and all of our new ones for their continued choice to work with us and for constantly presenting us with new and challenging issues in copyright, trademark, contract, dispute resolution, and corporate matters. You’re keeping us in business, but you’re helping us be better lawyers too.
Over the past year, we have experienced an incredible level of support from our clients and the community in general, but also from other lawyers in town, including our competitors. In a city with a less collegial bar, we might have thought a bit harder about whether we truly wanted to start a new law firm. Here in Nashville, referrals have been one of the major drivers of our success so far, and we hope that we have done our part in returning the favor. We have learned so much about running a business, and a lot of that knowledge has come from the very entrepreneurs we represent. That was a benefit I don’t think we saw coming.
In the next year, we plan to see more of the same success, collegiality, and sense of community around us, especially as we move our offices to the Trolley Barns, which is developing quickly into Grand Central for Nashville’s exciting and growing technology sector. (Did anybody else notice a whole bunch of new faces at Nashcocktail last night?) We could not be more excited to be in the middle of all that energy (okay, technically we’re on the south end, but close enough), and seriously, you’re going to have to come see our new digs. We think they will be everything you would expect from a savvy, nimble, forward-thinking and tech-smart law firm! Rick and I are both excited to continue our mentorship at the Entrepreneur Center, especially when it moves in across the parking lot from us, to participate at the Nashville Technology Council, and hopefully to play a couple ping pong games with Emma, our neighbors. The move will be good for our clients too, and we think they’ll agree when they see our conference room space.
We look forward to a new year in our new space and the chance to implement all our new plans (we’ll tell you about them later). And of course, we can’t wait to be working with our clients and colleagues on all their new projects as well. It’s going to be a great year!