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Polyvoracious: The Sony-Betamax Rule Lives!

Polyvoracious: The Sony-Betamax Rule Lives!

So Why Didn’t it Apply to Cox Communications? One thing that had been gnawing at me about Rightscorp’s1Not really Rightscorp, since it didn’t own the copyrights, but it was surely calling the shots.$25,000,0002Not as impressive as it sounds....

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Is it Time to Furl the DMCA Red Flag?

Is it Time to Furl the DMCA Red Flag?

Did the Second Circuit Just Kill “Red Flag” Knowledge? Oh, DMCA caselaw, I can never quit you. Even though you really don’t affect my practice much, you’ve become my hobby, such that I can’t resist commenting on every appellate-level decision involving you. The Basics...

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Oracle v Google (Part 2): Was it Fair Use?

Oracle v Google (Part 2): Was it Fair Use?

Bringing Merger in Through the Side Door This is part 2 in a series (of at least three posts). Part 1 is here.[ref]Do I need to disclose that I'm actually from Mountain View? I guess I just did. I remember when the Googleplex was Silicon Graphics and there wasn't even...

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Cox Rocked, Part 2: What the Jury Said (and Why)

Broadband Isn’t a “Draw” for Infringement, but What About Substantial Non-infringing Uses? Back in late 2014, two of Rightscorp’s clients, BMG Music and Round Hill Music, sued the cable operator and internet-service provider, Cox Communications, for copyright...

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1 Not really Rightscorp, since it didn’t own the copyrights, but it was surely calling the shots.
2 Not as impressive as it sounds.