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Cox Rocked but DMCA Safe Harbors Remain Unshaken

Cox Rocked but DMCA Safe Harbors Remain Unshaken

All We Really Learned Is that Even Big Corporations Don’t Always Run Things by Counsel. We have learned quite a lot about the contours of the DMCA safe harbors over the last few years, thanks to record labels swinging for the fences, Viacom and Google’s tenacity in...

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What a week it's been 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

What a week it's been

by | Oct 16, 2015

Yoga poses are not copyrightable.  Monkeys can maybe have copyright, if people who really care about them can take the case to court.  We've got a termination decision from the Second Circuit, and oh, yeah, the Google Books project is fair use. TGIF! Bikram Choudhury,...

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Lenz, the DMCA and Dancing Babies: Don’t Go Crazy, OK? 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Lenz, the DMCA and Dancing Babies: Don’t Go Crazy, OK?

by | Sep 23, 2015

tl;dr Summary The DMCA’s procedure for taking down allegedly infringing material is (ahem) nearly universally disliked. Rights holders can’t figure out why it’s so hard to take infringing material down, and consumers and service providers can’t figure out why it’s so...

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The Silly Dispute Between Georgia and Public.Resource.Org: Are Statutory Annotations Even Copyrightable? 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

The Silly Dispute Between Georgia and Public.Resource.Org: Are Statutory Annotations Even Copyrightable?

by | Aug 13, 2015

I Fought (for) the Law; Who Wins? When I started law school, I had only the vaguest idea of what lawyers did. I figured it had something to do with arguing in front of juries and judges, writing legal briefs and contracts. That’s what I expected to learn in law...

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If the Award Goes to the Movie’s Producer Should the Copyright Go as Well? 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

If the Award Goes to the Movie’s Producer Should the Copyright Go as Well?

by | Jul 8, 2015

As Between the Director and the Producers, Who Owns a Movie’s Copyright? When the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences hands out the award for Best Picture, the award goes to the movie’s producers. The director, the actors, the cinematographers, make-up...

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NAACP and WD-40: A Primer on When We Need, and Don't Need, Fair Use in Trademark Cases 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

NAACP and WD-40: A Primer on When We Need, and Don't Need, Fair Use in Trademark Cases

by | Jun 30, 2015

Fair Use Has a Weird Relationship with Trademark By now you know that fair use is a squishy, fact-intensive, unpredictable but absolutely necessary feature of copyright law. But at least fair use’s role in copyright law is well understood. It’s just hard to apply....

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Your Company Needs a Data Breach Policy 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Your Company Needs a Data Breach Policy

by | Jun 11, 2015

We’ve known for a long time that websites that collect user information need a privacy policy. We also know that in the U.S. at least, the laws on protecting information that isn’t medical records or financial records is pretty, well, non-existent. You can do a lot...

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Richard Prince Is a Jerkface, but Don’t Blame Instagram 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Richard Prince Is a Jerkface, but Don’t Blame Instagram

by | Jun 5, 2015

If You Call it Art, Is it Automatically Fair Use? By now you've probably heard that Richard Prince is a jerkface. Or that he is a trolling genius. I am not here to dispute either of those things. They are not mutually exclusive, for one thing. To the contrary, I’m...

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DMCA Explainer: Why Chilling Effects Can Display Takedown Notices Complete with Pirate URLs 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

DMCA Explainer: Why Chilling Effects Can Display Takedown Notices Complete with Pirate URLs

by | May 21, 2015

Wherein we Also Discuss Whether Hyperlinks Can Be Infringing Ellen Seidler, an independent filmmaker with one movie under her belt, wonders why her attempt to get Chilling Effects, the aggregator of DMCA takedown notices, to take down her own earlier DMCA takedown...

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Implied License Saves the Day (But it Doesn’t Always)únich_Alemania_2013-03-30_DD_27-101132_400x250.jpg 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Implied License Saves the Day (But it Doesn’t Always)

by | Apr 22, 2015

Implied Licenses Are a Last Resort In the day-to-day counseling about copyright matters, this is perhaps the most common fact pattern, and it’s surprisingly sticky. Company X has hired creative firm Y to create something for it. “It” could be almost anything: computer...

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Are You a Phony if You Parody "Three's Company"? 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Are You a Phony if You Parody "Three's Company"?

by | Apr 9, 2015

Holden Caulfield Watches a 70's Sitcom. Hilarity Doesn't Ensue. If television shows are as influential as most people assume they are, I’m amazed that I wound up a productive member of society[ref]Insert your dumb lawyer joke here, I guess.. My parents let me...

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1 Although Aaron | Sanders is based in Nashville, we don’t really represent songwriters or artists. There are lots of “music” and “entertainment” lawyers to handle that work....

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What a week it's been

Yoga poses are not copyrightable.  Monkeys can maybe have copyright, if people who really care about them can take the case to court.  We've got a termination decision from the Second Circuit, and oh, yeah, the Google Books project is fair use. TGIF! Bikram Choudhury,...

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Lenz, the DMCA and Dancing Babies: Don’t Go Crazy, OK?

tl;dr Summary The DMCA’s procedure for taking down allegedly infringing material is (ahem) nearly universally disliked. Rights holders can’t figure out why it’s so hard to take infringing material down, and consumers and service providers can’t figure out why it’s so...

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The Silly Dispute Between Georgia and Public.Resource.Org: Are Statutory Annotations Even Copyrightable?

I Fought (for) the Law; Who Wins? When I started law school, I had only the vaguest idea of what lawyers did. I figured it had something to do with arguing in front of juries and judges, writing legal briefs and contracts. That’s what I expected to learn in law...

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If the Award Goes to the Movie’s Producer Should the Copyright Go as Well?

As Between the Director and the Producers, Who Owns a Movie’s Copyright? When the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences hands out the award for Best Picture, the award goes to the movie’s producers. The director, the actors, the cinematographers, make-up...

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NAACP and WD-40: A Primer on When We Need, and Don't Need, Fair Use in Trademark Cases

Fair Use Has a Weird Relationship with Trademark By now you know that fair use is a squishy, fact-intensive, unpredictable but absolutely necessary feature of copyright law. But at least fair use’s role in copyright law is well understood. It’s just hard to apply....

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Your Company Needs a Data Breach Policy

We’ve known for a long time that websites that collect user information need a privacy policy. We also know that in the U.S. at least, the laws on protecting information that isn’t medical records or financial records is pretty, well, non-existent. You can do a lot...

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Richard Prince Is a Jerkface, but Don’t Blame Instagram

If You Call it Art, Is it Automatically Fair Use? By now you've probably heard that Richard Prince is a jerkface. Or that he is a trolling genius. I am not here to dispute either of those things. They are not mutually exclusive, for one thing. To the contrary, I’m...

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DMCA Explainer: Why Chilling Effects Can Display Takedown Notices Complete with Pirate URLs

Wherein we Also Discuss Whether Hyperlinks Can Be Infringing Ellen Seidler, an independent filmmaker with one movie under her belt, wonders why her attempt to get Chilling Effects, the aggregator of DMCA takedown notices, to take down her own earlier DMCA takedown...

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Implied License Saves the Day (But it Doesn’t Always)

Implied Licenses Are a Last Resort In the day-to-day counseling about copyright matters, this is perhaps the most common fact pattern, and it’s surprisingly sticky. Company X has hired creative firm Y to create something for it. “It” could be almost anything: computer...

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Are You a Phony if You Parody "Three's Company"?

Holden Caulfield Watches a 70's Sitcom. Hilarity Doesn't Ensue. If television shows are as influential as most people assume they are, I’m amazed that I wound up a productive member of society[ref]Insert your dumb lawyer joke here, I guess.