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Willfully to Power in Criminal Copyright Law

Ninth Circuit Clarifies that “Willfully” Means “Willfully” I think most people know that there is such a thing as criminal copyright infringement, i.e., copyright infringement so heinous that the U.S. government will take time from investigating drug deals to...

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Trademark Confusion, Texas® style

Trademark Confusion, Texas® style

  The state of Texas is looking more and more like it’s forgotten that there’s a world outside of itself.  Cue the weird article from Time this week that reads like it was written by Rick Perry himself, about how everyone’s moving there, buying hats and being...

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Who Owns the Goldmine? Bob Marley's Missing Copyright

Who Owns the Goldmine? Bob Marley's Missing Copyright

The Mysteries of Copyright Ownership If there were a goldmine in your town—one that produced a worthwhile amount of gold every year and wouldn’t run out for many, many years—you’d probably expect any dispute about who owns it to have long since been resolved. It’s...

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