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Whoops Did You Just Give Away Your Copyright?

Whoops Did You Just Give Away Your Copyright?

Common-Sense Decision Is a Trap for the Unwary (and Everyone Else) A surprisingly fertile field for litigation are “multiple listing services” (MLS) and related real-estate websites. Here’s an MLS for Nashville. The Internet completely inverted the...

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The Terrific Twos

The Terrific Twos

Two great years ago today, Rick Sanders and Tara Aaron set foot in the office of Aaron | Sanders PLLC for the first time.  We're growing up fast - since then we've moved into our big new offices at The Trolley Barns, added the help of our incomparable assistant, Lynne...

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Patent Trolls-A Primer (Part 2)

Why NPEs Are OMG! Last time, I explained what patent “trolls”—more politely known as a non-practicing entities or “NPEs”—are and why their business model is such a good one. Mostly they benefit from asymmetrical warfare: a defendant must spend much more money, time...

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