Rick’s Copyright Course Final Exam: Part 2 of 3
Part II: Short Essays Last time, I explained my philosophy informing the way I constructed the final exam I gave to my copyright class last semester at Vanderbilt University Law School (which happens to be where I went to law school), plus Part I of said exam which...
Rick's Copyright Course Final Exam: Part 2 of 3
Part II: Short Essays Last time, I explained my philosophy informing the way I constructed the final exam I gave to my copyright class last semester at Vanderbilt University Law School (which happens to be where I went to law school), plus Part I of said exam which...
Rick’s Copyright Course Final Exam: Part 1 of 3
Part 1: The Important Details If you follow my Twitter account very much, you already know that, in early January, I was really suffering. I was grading law exams for my Copyright course that I had taught at Vanderbilt University Law School. The problem wasn’t what...
Rick's Copyright Course Final Exam: Part 1 of 3
Part 1: The Important Details If you follow my Twitter account very much, you already know that, in early January, I was really suffering. I was grading law exams for my Copyright course that I had taught at Vanderbilt University Law School. The problem wasn’t what...
Space Amazons, Space Marines and the Non-Existant Trademark Takedown Notification
Caught Between the Heartless and the Cowardly, Does an Indie Author Stand a Chance? Update (Feb. 8, 2013): It appears that Spots the Space Marine is available once again from Amazon's Kindle store, as of this morning. I don't have any details about the change, e.g.,...
Rick to Moderate ABA Panel on New Top-level Domain Names
On Thursday, April 4, Rick will be moderating a panel on top-level domain names at the upcoming ABA IP Spring Meeting, titled "Is that Domain .Yours or .Mine?: Coping with the New Top Level Domain Names." You may have heard that (maybe, we'll see) the "dot-com" era is...
Tara is interviewed by Compliance Week after the Zappos Unzipped Blog Post
Tara was interviewed by Joe Mont at Compliance Week for an article in this week's issue entitled "Terms of Use Agreements Pose New Reputational Risks," in the wake of the Zappos.com TOU debacle and Tara's blog post about it. Tara and two other lawyers from around the...
Throwing Back the Throwbacks on Is it Fair Use?
When History Really Just Commercial Nostalgia? Last week I wrote about a copyright lawsuit involving the Baltimore Ravens, and in so doing, managed also to mention the San Francisco 49ers*. They both won their respective games and will now meet in the Super Bowl. In...
I Have a Dream (of Copyright Clarity)
There’s been some talk on this Martin Luther King day about the availability of the video of King’s immortal “I Have a Dream” Speech. The removal of the video from the Vimeo site has stirred enough outrage to launch another march on Washington. Or maybe even another...
Is It Fair Use? Fowl Doings in Raven-land`
A Case that Just Keeps Giving to Copyright Lawyers It's been a long time since our last edition of the fast-paced game that's sweeping the nation, Is It Fair Use? Yes, I've been busy, but the real reason is that there just haven't been any really fun fair use cases in...
@Law Publishes Rick's Article on Oracle v. Google
You might recall Rick's epic 6-part blog about the Oracle v. Google case and what it teaches about copyright protection in software. A formal (and condensed) version of those posts has been published by @Law in its Winter 2012–13 edition as an article: "The Limits of...
UCC Doesn’t Save Homeowner From Careless Installment Contract or Unsatisfactory A/V System
Great Expectations for $100K Are Nice, But You Should Still Put Them in the Contract I probably like Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code more than most lawyers, but even I have to recognize its limitations. Article 2 governs sales of goods, from candy bars to...