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We've Moved!

We've Moved!

We truly enjoyed our time and our colleagues at the Boardroom in Green Hills, but we could not be more excited about our new space at the Trolley Barns at Rolling Mill Hills!  We finally completed our move on Monday.  Sure, there are still boxes everywhere and we're...

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Rick Quoted by the Boston Globe

Rick was quoted by the Boston Globe in this article about the lawsuit against ReDigi ("Case Could Pave Way for Reselling Digital Music, Other Products"). Unless you want to subscribe to the Boston Globe, you might have to take our word for it, though. Update: Oh,...

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Tara's Webinar "Content Wars" Now Available for CLE

Tara's Webinar "Content Wars" Now Available for CLE

Tara’s webinar “Content Wars: A History of the Recent Battles Between Owners and Users of Intellectual Property” is now available.  Tara delivered the webinar to the Tennessee Bar Association on June 27th.  The presentation covers the last fifteen years of the...

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Rick to Teach Copyright at Vanderbilt this Fall

Rick has officially been appointed to teach Copyright Law at Vanderbilt University Law School this fall. It's not a permanent position; Rick's just filling in until the school can find a permanent replacement. Still, as many of you know, Rick used to teach literature...

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Happy Birthday to Us!

Happy Birthday to Us!

  Aaron Sanders PLLC turns one today.  Our young firm has come so far since June 20, 2011 - past walking and crawling, into driving and flying and taking the MegaBus, and trying cases and closing deals and settling matters and generally helping our clients sleep...

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