Are Pornographers Ruining it for Everyone? Identifying and Outing Anonymous Online Copyright Infringers
Judges: Courts Aren't Litigation Clearinghouses Last summer, I started to blog about mass-defendant bittorrent cases pending in Washington, D.C., some of which involved over 10,000 anonymous defendants. Since the plaintiffs didn’t know who the defendants were, but...
The Copyright Office Is Coming to Music City!
Once again, after a hiatus last year (because of the Register interregnum), the Copyright Office is returning to Music City. This year's program will be on April 26 and will last all day. It's good for 7.75 CLE credits (.5 more than last time), but the tuition remains...
Willful Blindness, Substantial Influence and Uncertainty in the Law of DMCA Safe Harbors
Part 2 of 2: The Second Circuit Punts on Third Down Last time, I laid out the context for the Second Circuit’s decision in the Viacom v. YouTube case--i.e., the state and open issues of the law of the DMCA safe harbors. This time, I’ll get into what the Second Circuit...
YouTube Decision Muddies the Water for DMCA Safe-Harbor Law–for Now
Part 1 of 2: Second Circuit on DMCA Safe Harbor: It's Complicated Well, if you were hoping that the DMCA safe-harbor law would clear up with the Second Circuit’s long-awaited opinion in Viacom v. YouTube--that we’d get to the point where folks would know the contours...
Rick to Talk About Cloud Computing and Internet Privacy
Rick will be presenting on cloud computing and internet privacy at TennBarU's Scary Things in Intellectual Property, an all-day CLE course on April 13. The other presenters are pretty much an all-star cast of Nashville legal thinkers: Wayne Beavers, Casey Del Casino,...
Pinterest and Copyright: So Why All the Fuss?
Part 2 (of 2): Welcome Nice Pinterest Users to the Bizarro World of Copyright and the Internet! Last time, we took stock of the recent kerfuffle about Pinterest, copyright and Pinterest’s Terms of Use (“TOU”), and we even looked at those horrifying, normal TOU. In...
Pinterest and Copyright: Everyone Just Take a Nice Deep Breath
Part 1 (of 2): Teacup in a Tempest So, here I was all ready to write a post about how everyone should just stop freaking out about Pinterest’s terms of use (“TOU”), when someone tweeted this excellent piece from the Copyright Librarian (updated here) that basically...
Come have a cocktail with us!
Aaron | Sanders is the March sponsor of the popular Nashcocktail event at the Greenhouse Bar in Green Hills in Nashville. We are proud to support a night of hanging out with some of the brightest entrepreneurs, developers, social media experts, and all-around geeks...
MegaUpload and the Amazing Disappearing DMCA Safe Harbor: Copyright
Part 3: Will Willfulness Ride to the Rescue? In the first part of this three-part series, we tried to put the MU Indictment into a practical context. Last time, we started to look at the substance of the legal issues, starting with the government’s case. We concluded...
Megaupload: Legal Obstacle Course for Prosecutors: Copyright
Part 2: The Government's Unclear Path to Conviction Last time, I tried to give some practical perspective to the Megaupload Indictment. It was, at the same time, business as usual and completely extraordinary. I predicted (we’ll see how accurately) that MU will be the...
Megaupload: Time to Freak Out or Get Some Perspective? Copyright
Part 1: Situation Normal: The Sky's Falling I’ve put off blogging about MegaUpload (“MU”) for several weeks now--too long, really--for a few perfectly good reasons. I’ve been busy. I’ve been sick. Mostly, though, although I can talk about the DMCA at length, I’m not...
Tara to speak at the Tennessee Bar Association's Law Tech Un-Conference Today
It's a busy week for Rick and Tara, speaking at the Arts and Business Council on Monday, and at the Tennessee Bar Association 's Law Tech 2012 un-conference today. Tara is headed downtown to join a group of lawyers discussing the newest technological gadgets and how...