Tara and Rick Speak to Nashville-Area Artists About Copyright Law
We had a great time speaking to Nashville-area artists on Monday! The Arts & Business Council set up the one-hour seminar at the Country Music Hall of Fame. We were delighted by the sheer numbers--the place was packed--and diversity of the audience. There were...
Tara's Article, "Appealing IP: Legal Issues Surrounding the Development of an App" is out in InForma's February Issue of IP Magazine
Tara's article Appealing IP on intellectual property and privacy issues in app development appears in this month's issue of InForma's Intellectual Property Magazine. The article looks at the IP issues that are likely be faced by a company taking a brick-and-mortar...
Rick Lectures on Online Music Services (and You May Earn CLE Credit)!
JDCLE is a distance-learning service for lawyers. You find a video that you're interested in, and learn about interesting legal stuff, and earn CLE credit if you're in one of the listed jurisdictions. (Ironically, Tennessee doesn't allow distance-learning.) I lectured...
Rick Quoted Again
Nicholas DeLeon of The Daily quotes Rick on the nascent copyright issues that will arise as 3D printing becomes more commonplace. You can read the whole article here.
Music Industry v. ReDigi: The Problem with Phonorecords: Copyright
When Is a Phonorecord Not a Phonorecord? Last time, we finally figured out how ReDigi operates and how it plans to get around the fact that it must make at least one (and often two) intermediate copies of a song file in order to complete the sale of the song file....
Music Industry v. ReDigi: Cute or Clever?
Is ReDigi a Marketplace or a Music Locker? I am compelled to blog about ReDigi one more time because, at long last, we actually know how ReDigi operates. And it’s not *quite* how ReDigi says it works on its FAQ. It’s actually far more clever and elegant--at least,...
Rick Is Quoted at Length by Ars Technica
Ars Technica's Law & Disorder column quoted Rick at length in an article about EMI's lawsuit against ReDigi, which re-sells iTunes tracks. EMI thinks this infringes its copyrights, but ReDigi has a number of intriguing defenses. See for yourself here.
Tara's Debut Blog for IPKat is out
Following on her contribution to the soon-to-be-published "Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights" from Oxford University Press, Tara has been asked to contribute blog posts to the London-based IP blog IPKat during the first part of 2012. "Launched in 2003 as a...
Burning Down the Dance-Hall: UMG v. Veoh Clarifies the DMCA
One of the Great Unanswered Questions Is Answered! This is the third post on the recent and important Ninth Circuit opinion in the “Veoh case” (actually styled, UMG Recordings v. Shelter Capital, but we’ll call it “Veoh”). In the first post, we marveled at Universal’s...
Universal Copyright Knowledge: No Red Flags for Veoh
Think the DMCA Is Outmoded? Complain to Congress, Not to the Courts This is the second post on the recent Ninth Circuit opinion in the “Veoh case” (actually styled, UMG Recordings v. Shelter Capital). Last time, we focused on (marveled at, really) Universal’s...
UMG Swings for the Copyright Fences … And Misses Everything
Ninth Circuit: It's OK to Let the Public Access User-Uploaded Content I think by now you’ve read a few headlines about Ninth Circuit’s decision in UMG Recordings v. Shelter Capital, which is better known as the “Veoh case,” just before Christmas. Mostly, the headlines...
More Artist-on-Artist Fair Use Action: An Iconic Scream, a Rap Icon
Can Green Day Exit Through the Gift Shop? Are you ready for another installment of Is it Fair Use?, the fast-paced, action-packed game in which I give you a fact pattern, and you take a blind stab at whether the court found or didn’t find fair use. Today’s installment...