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Rick Quoted Again

Nicholas DeLeon of The Daily quotes Rick on the nascent copyright issues that will arise as 3D printing becomes more commonplace. You can read the whole article here.

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Music Industry v. ReDigi: Cute or Clever?

Is ReDigi a Marketplace or a Music Locker? I am compelled to blog about ReDigi one more time because, at long last, we actually know how ReDigi operates. And it’s not *quite* how ReDigi says it works on its FAQ. It’s actually far more clever and elegant--at least,...

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Rick Is Quoted at Length by Ars Technica

Ars Technica's Law & Disorder column quoted Rick at length in an article about EMI's lawsuit against ReDigi, which re-sells iTunes tracks. EMI thinks this infringes its copyrights, but ReDigi has a number of intriguing defenses. See for yourself here.

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Tara's Debut Blog for IPKat is out

Following on her contribution to the soon-to-be-published "Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights" from Oxford University Press, Tara has been asked to contribute blog posts to the London-based IP blog IPKat during the first part of 2012.  "Launched in 2003 as a...

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