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Rick to Present at The Internet & the Law 2011

Rick will be presenting at The Internet & the Law 2011, which takes place all day Friday, December 30, at the Nashville School of Law. The tuition is $280, and it's good for 5 hours of General CLE credit, plus 1 hour of Dual CLE credit. Rick will be presenting on...

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Elvish Is King: Parody in Trademark Cases

Is it Fair Use? Looks at Trademark We’ve already looked at the “Elf On/Elf Off” decision (CCA & B, LLC v. F + W Media Inc., N.D. Ga. Sept. 22, 2011) with respect to copyright infringement, but it also has an extensive fair use analysis for trademark. Here at Is it...

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Global Entrepreneurship Week

As Global Entrepreneurship Week kicks off, we at Aaron | Sanders Law thought we could share our thoughts about what entrepreneurship means to us. Yes, you, the entrepreneurs, are our clients - let’s just put that out there for the sake of full disclosure. But we refer...

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Good Contract > No Contract > Bad Contract (Part 2)

Drawing Lessons from ICG Link v. Steen In my Friday post, we looked at the facts and holding of the October 31, 2011 appellate decision in ICG Link v. Steen. Recall that both parties thought they had entered a contract for ICG Link to build Steen’s company, Nashville...

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Good Contract > No Contract > Bad Contract (Part 2)

Drawing Lessons from ICG Link v. Steen In my Friday post, we looked at the facts and holding of the October 31, 2011 appellate decision in ICG Link v. Steen. Recall that both parties thought they had entered a contract for ICG Link to build Steen’s company, Nashville...

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