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Good Contract > No Contract > Bad Contract (Part 2)

Drawing Lessons from ICG Link v. Steen In my Friday post, we looked at the facts and holding of the October 31, 2011 appellate decision in ICG Link v. Steen. Recall that both parties thought they had entered a contract for ICG Link to build Steen’s company, Nashville...

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Copyright: Is it Fair Use? Elf On! Elf Off!

Or, the Elf Done Gone. Welcome to another edition of Is it Fair Use? the game in which I present the facts and you take a blind stab at whether the court found fair use. Judges clearly live for parody cases. Remember how much fun the judge had in the “What What (in...

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Rick to Lecture at Colorado University Law School

Rick is giving a lecture on online music services and copyright law, entitled "Will Consumers Ever Get What They Want from Online Music Services? How Copyright Law Creates and Impedes Five Types of Online Music Services," tomorrow, October 26, 2011, at Colorado...

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