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I Know Fair Use When I See It: A Copyright Complex

Welcome to the Game We're Calling, "Is It Fair Use?" I’m starting a new occasional series called, “Is it Fair Use?” where I set out the facts from an actual copyright or trademark decision involving fair use, and you get to guess how the court ruled.* *  This idea is...

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Rick Is a "Best Lawyer": This Time with Proof!

Rick Is a "Best Lawyer": This Time with Proof!

Tara reported a couple of weeks ago that I had been selected as a "Best Lawyer" in the field of Intellectual Property Litigation.  Upon hearing of this outlandish claim, some of you may reasonably  have demanded proof.  Heck, I demanded proof.  Well, here it is.  (I...

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Hart v. EA: Are Publicity Rights in the Game?

Free Speech Sacks Publicity Rights (but Was it Offside?) A few weekends ago I blogged about publicity rights in connection with a Vampire Weekend album cover.  One of my main points was that publicity rights are a lot like copyright, except that it’s a right held by...

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