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Have Yourself a Vampire Weekend!

Publicity Rights, Indemnification and the Coolest Album Cover in Recent Memory In this post-album world, where we usually buy our music song by song, the album cover is something of a lost art.  In 2009, Vampire Weekend infused some life into that art by building an...

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The Long Shadow (Dancer) of Copyright Law

Accidental Infringement in the Real World Wasn’t I just blogging about how easy it is to accidentally infringe copyright with computers?  Well, reality TV shows and news-shows have the same problem because they record sound and images (which is making a copy) in...

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Is Copyright Law Just a Jedi Mind Trick?

You Might Need to Be a Jedi to Separate Form from Function in a 3D Object How a Small Difference Between British and US Copyright Law Made a Big Difference There’s been a good deal of buzz on some of geekier websites that I frequent about this decision.*  At first, it...

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"Filter Bubbles": Be Aware but Don't Despair

We Control the Web More than the Web Controls Us I tweeted a little while ago about The Economist’s review of Eli Pariser’s, The Filter Bubble:  What the Internet Is Hiding from You.  Pariser is a pretty big deal--definitely one of thought leaders about the internet. ...

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