July 7, 2011
Aaron Sanders PLLC has built its Facebook page. Meanwhile, Rick Sanders does some deep diving on the recent Stanford University E-Commerce Best Practices seminar. His second post is up and drills down on the murky world of secondary liability for internet service...
Virtual Goods & the First-Sale Doctrine
Or, Why Your Kindle Isn't Your Nightstand Eighth Annual eCommerce Best Practices Conference Stanford University, June 24, 2011 The second break-out session was wide-ranging, in part because it took a broad view of “virtual goods.” A narrow definition of the term...
Virtual Goods & the First-Sale Doctrine
Or, Why Your Kindle Isn't Your Nightstand Eighth Annual eCommerce Best Practices Conference Stanford University, June 24, 2011 The second break-out session was wide-ranging, in part because it took a broad view of “virtual goods.” A narrow definition of the term...
Virtual Goods & the First-Sale Doctrine
Or, Why Your Kindle Isn't Your Nightstand Eighth Annual eCommerce Best Practices Conference Stanford University, June 24, 2011 The second break-out session was wide-ranging, in part because it took a broad view of “virtual goods.” A narrow definition of the term...
Secondary Liability and eCommerce Licensing Strategies
Or, How to Keep Your Customers' Bad Acts from Getting on You Eighth Annual eCommerce Best Practices Conference, Part 2 Stanford University, June 24, 2011 The first panel was probably my favorite, in part because the topic was so timely. Secondary liability in...
Eighth Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference
Eighth Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference, Part 1 Stanford, CA, June 24, 2011 As my Twitter followers know, on June 24, I attended a full-day conference at Stanford University, the Eight Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference. It was definitely worth...
July 5th, 2011
Tara has a birthday and the website goes live. A pretty good day for Aaron Sanders PLLC!
July 1, 2011
Rick is back from California and we have put the wraps on the first week of Aaron Sanders PLLC. Today was originally the target date for opening, but we have been actively working since the middle of June, so we are on target and maybe even ahead of schedule. We thank...
June 24th, 2011
Rick attended the E-Commerce Best Practices Conference and faithfully tweeted words of wisdom he learned there. He also got to hang out with some of the thought leaders in e-commerce, including Professor Eric Goldman. You can learn much more about Professor Goldmanʼs...
June 20th 2011
Finally! The partnership truly begins today as the office finally opens, but Tara finds herself solo this week as Rick gets on a plane for Silicon Valley to meet up with old colleagues and friends and to attend the E-Commerce Best Practices Conference 2011 at Stanford...
June 17th, 2011
Tara says farewell to her colleagues at the big firm and hello to running a new small firm! No rest for the self-employed - we are planning on spending the weekend moving boxes and putting the finishing touches on the office so the work can begin next week.
June 15th, 2011
Office space is coming together and our law firm is organized and chartered. Rick is handling all of the technical aspects of networking our computers and devices and otherwise setting up the office while Tara finishes up her work at her former firm. We are looking forward...