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One Week, Two Trademarks, Three Countries, Five Opinions, and a Big Ol’ Circuit Split 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

One Week, Two Trademarks, Three Countries, Five Opinions, and a Big Ol’ Circuit Split

by | Mar 6, 2017

Last week, two different U.S. courts took action in cases involving the use of trademarks outside the borders of the United States, and if you aren't confused you don't understand territoriality. The big news last Monday was the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear an...

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Swimming in the Shark Tank: Even Gladiators Need to Clear Trademarks 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Swimming in the Shark Tank: Even Gladiators Need to Clear Trademarks

by | Feb 23, 2017

Swimming with the Shark Tank If you’re a fan of Shark Tank, one of the more interesting pitches was by Rachel Zietz in 2016, a (then) fifteen-year old lacrosse player and entrepreneur. She said she was tired of the lousy lacrosse equipment she had been buying from the...

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Honey Catches Flies and Hackers, But Not A Trademark Registration 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Honey Catches Flies and Hackers, But Not A Trademark Registration

by | Feb 14, 2017

In honor of Valentine's Day, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has offered us honey. You know, that stuff with which you catch more flies. The lines between descriptive and suggestive marks has never been easy to define.  Bitvoyant, a Virginia-based software...

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Tinkering, Vision, Business and Patents: What the Tangled History of Windsurfing Can Tell Us About Innovation 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

Tinkering, Vision, Business and Patents: What the Tangled History of Windsurfing Can Tell Us About Innovation

by | Jan 13, 2017

A Meditation on Innovation on the Occasion of the Death of S. Newman Darby, Tinkerer, Hobbyist & Inventor If you enjoy windsurfing, you might raise one to S. Newman Darby, who essentially invented it and who passed away last month. For a long time, not very many...

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A Business New Year's Resolution – Don't Violate the Trademark "Anti-Trafficking" Rule 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

A Business New Year's Resolution – Don't Violate the Trademark "Anti-Trafficking" Rule

by | Jan 4, 2017

You need a trademark lawyer. No, really.  Even if you have a corporate lawyer. No, especially if you have a corporate lawyer.  Do not let your corporate lawyer do your trademark lawyer’s work.  Would you let your dentist do your appendectomy?  The following is a story...

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New DMCA Registration Regime Starts Today. Don't Delay! 480w " sizes="(max-width:479px) 479px, 100vw " width="400" height="250" />

New DMCA Registration Regime Starts Today. Don't Delay!

by | Dec 1, 2016

New DMCA Registration Regime Starts Today. Don’t Delay! Today is the first day to take advantage of the U.S. Copyright Office’s new electronic registration system for DMCA agents[ref]“DMCA agent” is short-hand for designated agent to receive notification of claimed...

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Is it Fair Use? Who's on First (Copyright Fair Use Factor)?

by | Oct 20, 2016

Abbott and Costello Meet the Copyright Lawyer (1 1/2 Stars) It’s time for another round of “Is it Fair Use?”, the fast-paced, heart-racing game that’s sweeping the nation.[ref]If said nation were experiencing some serious time-dilation. This episode of “Is it...

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Pitching Buck Rogers: Trademarks and Future Use

Pitching Buck Rogers: Trademarks and Future Use

Of course, Buck Rogers would be the one to teach us about trademark rights that exist only in the future.   In a case that spans almost as much time as Buck's leap across the centuries, the heirs of Philip Francis Nowlan (the character's creator) and the Dille...

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1 As opposed to express copyright licenses, where the terms of the license—the license’s terms and...

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One Week, Two Trademarks, Three Countries, Five Opinions, and a Big Ol’ Circuit Split

Last week, two different U.S. courts took action in cases involving the use of trademarks outside the borders of the United States, and if you aren't confused you don't understand territoriality. The big news last Monday was the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear an...

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Swimming in the Shark Tank: Even Gladiators Need to Clear Trademarks

Swimming with the Shark Tank If you’re a fan of Shark Tank, one of the more interesting pitches was by Rachel Zietz in 2016, a (then) fifteen-year old lacrosse player and entrepreneur. She said she was tired of the lousy lacrosse equipment she had been buying from the...

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Honey Catches Flies and Hackers, But Not A Trademark Registration

In honor of Valentine's Day, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has offered us honey. You know, that stuff with which you catch more flies. The lines between descriptive and suggestive marks has never been easy to define.  Bitvoyant, a Virginia-based software...

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Tinkering, Vision, Business and Patents: What the Tangled History of Windsurfing Can Tell Us About Innovation

A Meditation on Innovation on the Occasion of the Death of S. Newman Darby, Tinkerer, Hobbyist & Inventor If you enjoy windsurfing, you might raise one to S. Newman Darby, who essentially invented it and who passed away last month. For a long time, not very many...

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A Business New Year's Resolution – Don't Violate the Trademark "Anti-Trafficking" Rule

You need a trademark lawyer. No, really.  Even if you have a corporate lawyer. No, especially if you have a corporate lawyer.  Do not let your corporate lawyer do your trademark lawyer’s work.  Would you let your dentist do your appendectomy?  The following is a story...

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New DMCA Registration Regime Starts Today. Don't Delay!

New DMCA Registration Regime Starts Today. Don’t Delay! Today is the first day to take advantage of the U.S. Copyright Office’s new electronic registration system for DMCA agents[ref]“DMCA agent” is short-hand for designated agent to receive notification of claimed...

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