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JDCLE is a distance-learning service for lawyers. You find a video that you’re interested in, and learn about interesting legal stuff, and earn CLE credit if you’re in one of the listed jurisdictions. (Ironically, Tennessee doesn’t allow distance-learning.) I lectured on online music services–basically the material covered by Parts 1-15 of the Online Music Services Series. I’m working on getting a short clip of the lecture to put on our website here. You can learn more about my particular program here. Right now, there are three other programs: the use of technology in the courtroom, insider trading and ethics issues unique to inside counsel. I’m told there’ll be more, so keep checking, or follow @JDCLE.

Rick Sanders

Rick is currently General Counsel for Software Freedom Conservancy. Previously, he has been practicing law as an intellectual-property litigator since 2000.