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ReDigi and Aereo: Looking Under the Technological Hood

Is Copyright Law a “Turnkey” Solution? The ReDigi dispute has been going on since 2011. If you don’t believe me, you can read my blogs about it dating to then. I wrote an explainer last time about the Second Circuit’s recent decision against ReDigi’s...

Poking Bears and Blocking ISPs

I’m going to post this and then go hide out in a bunker somewhere.  I’m not even sure I can get through the introductory paragraph before needing to take cover.     SOPA.   (Crawling back out from her hiding space under her desk…..)   You...

Aereo into the Cloud: Further Thoughts About the Aereo Decision

“The Cable Defense,” “The Cloud” and More about Causation and Copyright Last time, I tried to make sense of the Supreme Court’s decision in ABC v. Aereo. But there are a couple of major issues that I wasn’t able to touch on: (1) What’s all this about Aereo now saying...

I Need a Copyright License for My Personal Virtual Island?

Yes, if You Hired Someone to Design it for You. Remember when Second Life was all the rage? I’ll admit that my memory is a little hazy, but I swear it was a huge deal a few years ago. Anyway, it’s still around, with a new slogan: YOUR IMAGINATION, YOUR WORLD.* If...