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Is Nimmer & Menell’s "Lost Ark" of Copyright Just a Prop?

Spoiler: Yes. So, I’m talking about this article of mine that was kindly published by the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law (“JETLaw”). See part I here. The issue has to do with one of copyright law’s “exclusive...

Is Nimmer & Menell's "Lost Ark" of Copyright Just a Prop?

Spoiler: Yes. So, I’m talking about this article of mine that was kindly published by the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law (“JETLaw”). See part I here. The issue has to do with one of copyright law’s “exclusive...

Checking the Sources: Why I Questioned Nimmer on Copyright

Practitioner’s POV: Treatises Must Be Reliable So, I’m very grateful to the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law (“JETLaw”)* for publishing my article on Nimmer on Copyright’s about-face on the “making...