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Explainer About ReDigi: If You Own It, Can You Sell It?

This is an explainer of a decision you may have heard people talking about: Capitol Records v. ReDigi, Inc. Can you re-sell digital content you’ve legally acquired over the internet? The Problem: How Can You Re-Sell Your Digital Content? I’ve been blogging about the...

Copyright Holders Eat ReDigi’s Cake and Have it, Too

But is the Cake a Lie? As many of you know, the trial court in Capitol Records v. ReDigi ruled over the weekend that ReDigi’s business model of re-selling digital music files infringed the copyright. Here’s the opinion. I’ve written about ReDigi...

Copyright Holders Eat ReDigi's Cake and Have it, Too

But is the Cake a Lie? As many of you know, the trial court in Capitol Records v. ReDigi ruled over the weekend that ReDigi’s business model of re-selling digital music files infringed the copyright. Here’s the opinion. I’ve written about ReDigi...

Music Industry v. ReDigi: Cute or Clever?

Is ReDigi a Marketplace or a Music Locker? I am compelled to blog about ReDigi one more time because, at long last, we actually know how ReDigi operates. And it’s not *quite* how ReDigi says it works on its FAQ. It’s actually far more clever and elegant–at...