Tara was thrilled to participate as a speaker at a gathering of copyright, trademark, and technology lawyers at the German Patent and Trademark Office in Berlin, Germany on October 10, 2011 to talk about “Trademarks and Copyrighted Content in Social Media.” The presentation, fortunately for Tara, was intended to be delivered in English. Afterwards, the panelists enjoyed a lovely Italian dinner in Berlin.
Tara is fully available for additional international speaking engagements on IP law, or really any topic which needs to be covered and will get her the job.

Mario Sorensen Garcia (pictured below, left), Boriana Guimberteau, Antoine Gautier-Sauvagnac, Maximillian Schenck, and Tara Aaron present on Trademarks and Copyright in Social Media at GRUR in Berlin, Germany, October 10, 2011

Mario Sorensen Garcia, Tara Aaron, Boriana Guimberteau, Antoine Gautier-Sauvagnac and Maximillian Schenck present on Trademarks and Copyrighted Content in Social Media at GRUR in Berlin, Germany, October 10, 2011
Tara helps clients across multiple industries and countries with licenses and disputes involving trademarks, copyrights, domain names, software, trade secrets, and privacy compliance. She earned her Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) in U.S. Privacy Law in 2018 and in European Data Protection Law in 2019. Her clients include many technology start-ups, software developers, and website designers as well as long-standing institutional clients who come to her for representation in copyright, trademark, licensing and privacy. She also assists with the purchase and sale of intellectual property assets. She has on multiple occasions successfully obtained hijacked domain names for the rightful owners, and regularly negotiates service and technology agreements with the largest telecommunications and software providers in the country.