Tara’s article Appealing IP on intellectual property and privacy issues in app development appears in this month’s issue of InForma’s Intellectual Property Magazine. The article looks at the IP issues that are likely be faced by a company taking a brick-and-mortar concept and turning it into a smartphone application, including how new trademark issues may arise in this new category of services, what steps the company should take to be sure that it owns the software in its application, how to discuss whether or not a patent is appropriate, and what to do about all that personal data that is being collected.
Tara is of course respecting the terms of her copyright agreement with InForma, and can not therefore share the full article on the Aaron Sanders Law website, but you may email her and request a copy. 
Tara helps clients across multiple industries and countries with licenses and disputes involving trademarks, copyrights, domain names, software, trade secrets, and privacy compliance. She earned her Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) in U.S. Privacy Law in 2018 and in European Data Protection Law in 2019. Her clients include many technology start-ups, software developers, and website designers as well as long-standing institutional clients who come to her for representation in copyright, trademark, licensing and privacy. She also assists with the purchase and sale of intellectual property assets. She has on multiple occasions successfully obtained hijacked domain names for the rightful owners, and regularly negotiates service and technology agreements with the largest telecommunications and software providers in the country.