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Once again, after a hiatus last year (because of the Register interregnum), the Copyright Office is returning to Music City. This year’s program will be on April 26 and will last all day. It’s good for 7.75 CLE credits (.5 more than last time), but the tuition remains at $250 for CLE credit, $100 for those who don’t want CLE or need CLE credit. Once again, the First Amendment Center is hosting the program.

As in the past, members of the Copyright Office will discuss the doings and business of the Copyright Office, provide an update on registration procedures and regulations, and review the year in copyright legislation and litigation. Our luncheon speaker will be Judge Gil Merritt, Senior Judge of the Sixth Circuit. Our afternoon panel will be on developing new business models for the music industry in a post-file-sharing era. Further details may be downloaded here.

Be sure to register soon (here)!

Oh, and Rick is one of the producers.

Rick Sanders

Rick is currently General Counsel for Software Freedom Conservancy. Previously, he has been practicing law as an intellectual-property litigator since 2000.